Becoming an Investigator

About us

Becoming an Investigator

Investigator doing researchThe MacDiarmid Institute is New Zealand’s premier research institute focused on advanced materials and nanotechnology. We are a multi-disciplinary consortium of five universities and two research institutes. Our scientists work at one of our partner institutes in one or more of our Research Programmes.

All our investigators have met strict criteria to be accepted as Principal Investigators (PIs), Associate Investigators (AIs) or Institute Affiliate (IAs). We provide them with additional resources, including access to our highly sophisticated tools, and facilitate collaboration with MacDiarmid Institute researchers and others.

Principal Investigators

Our Principal Investigator cohort represents New Zealand’s leading physical scientists and engineers in the fields of advanced materials and nanotechnology.

The MacDiarmid Institute now invites applications for Principal Investigator status, in conjunction with its 2025 Investigator review. Funding has been prioritised to support the appointment of a number of new Principal Investigators. The criteria against which applications will be assessed can be found here.

New Principal Investigators will be appointed by 1 April 2025, and will receive annual funding for research and travel costs, and a scholarship for a PhD student (fees and stipend). Support for the Investigator’s research time will also be provided at 0.05 FTE, plus institutional overheads. Further financial support for research is available on a contestable basis through the Institute’s standard processes.

If you are interested in applying for Principal Investigator status, please read the criteria and submit your application via this link by no later than 5pm on 3rd February 2025. Please contact our Institute Manager, Rosie Wayte, if you have any questions.

Associate Investigators

Our Associate Investigators advance our goals and their contribution to the Institute’s many collaborations complement and strengthen our activities.

Associate Investigators enjoy many benefits including access to resources that they would not otherwise have, such as research networks, facilities and professional development. Admission to the Institute is dependent on strict criteria being met, including being based in New Zealand, and collaborating with at least two MacDiarmid Institute Principal Investigators or Associate Investigators at the commencement of the role. They also have access to internal funds under a competitive application scheme.

The MacDiarmid Institute now invites applications for Associate Investigator status, in conjunction with its 2025 Investigator review. The criteria against which applications will be assessed can be found here.

If you are interested in applying for Associate Investigator status, please read the criteria and submit your application via this link by no later than 5pm on 3rd February 2025. Please contact our Institute Manager, Rosie Wayte, if you have any questions. 

Institute Affiliates

Institute Affiliate status recognises outreach partnerships, research collaborations and other contributions that complement and strengthen our activities.

Institute Affiliates enjoy many benefits including access to resources that they would not otherwise have, such as research networks, facilities and some Institute events. Admission to the Institute is dependent on strict criteria being met. They do not have direct access to internal funds.

If you are interested in applying for Institute Affiliate status, please see the application criteria and process here, or contact our Institute Manager, Rosie Wayte.