Symposium draft programme is now available (updated 17 October 2022)
We invite you to join us for a lively program of physics across a wide range of topics, presented in our poster and oral sessions. We are especially looking forward to give students and early career researchers the currently rare opportunity to present their research in person.
This symposium will both showcase some of the most recent advances in physics and celebrate the life’s work of Professor Joe Trodahl. Joe has dedicated his career to many different aspects of physics, including astronomy, sea ice research, superconductors, optics and magnetism, and continues to be an outstanding scientist as well as mentor to his students and postdocs. For this symposium we will create an atmosphere of what Joe enjoys most: scientific discussions and a social get-together of scientists connected to his past or current interests, and inspire future collaborations among our research community.
Physics Symposium in Honour of Professor Joe Trodahl
Emergent phenomena in solid state systems
Topological systems
Novel spintronics and superconducting devices
Physics in the Antarctica
Professor Jared Cole of Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT), Australia
Professor Piers Coleman of Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA
Professor Michael Fuhrer of Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Dr Michelle Moram of Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand
Abstracts close: REOPENED to 1 September 2022
Notification of acceptance: by 15 September 2022
Registrations: by 2 October 2022, email if you are interested in attending after this date
Existing registrations can be transferred to the new dates using this form.
See below for info on submitting a new or updated abstract.
Thursday 8 December: Symposium starts
Friday 9 December: Conference dinner
Saturday 10 December: Closing
Symposium draft programme is now available (updated 17 October 2022)
We are holding a limited number of rooms at the Symposium venue:
Rutherford Hotel 27 Nile Street, Nelson 7010
$205.00 per room per night, refer to block code #692702
Please book your hotel room by email, phone or in person, as the hotel website does not accept the block code for discount.
A range of other accommodation options is also available within walking distance to the conference venue.
Abstract submission is available for both oral and poster presentations.
Abstracts must fit onto one (1) page only, including all text, tables, figures and references.
Please name your abstract file with the naming convention: PSJT_abstract _Surname (e.g. PSJT_abstract_Anton)
The abstract template is downloadable here
Please submit your abstract using the template to: with "Abstract submission” and your file name in the subject line, e.g. Abstract Submission PSJT_abstract_Anton
If you have previously submitted an abstract and you want to submit a new or revised abstract, please follow the above instructions but add Revised to the file name e.g. PSJT_abstract_Anton_Revised, and to the email subject line, e.g. Abstract Submission PSJT_abstract_Anton_Revised
Registration is free and includes morning and afternoon tea
Due to limited capacity of the venue, we will confirm your attendance after your registration
Register here
Organising Committee based at Victoria University of Wellington
Simon Granville Chair (present)
Eva Anton, (Chair to Feb 2022)
Bob Buckley
Michele Governale
Franck Natali
Ben Ruck
Catherine Pot
Please contact for further information or assistance