Board Chair’s report - Annual Report 2021

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Board Chair’s report - Annual Report 2021

4 May, 2022

It has been a privilege to be part of the Institute for these past four years - an amazing time to be part of an incredible organisation.

The vision upon which the Directors launched the Institute’s new contract in July this year has never been more imperative or time-critical – this vision that shapes the Institute into four new research programmes leading Aotearoa New Zealand towards Zero Carbon, Zero Waste, Low Energy Tech and Sustainable Resource Use is truly inspiring. I can’t think of a more worthwhile area to apply the minds and hearts of the MacDiarmid Institute’s researchers than to support Aotearoa New Zealand and the world out of this climate emergency. And I again acknowledge the brilliance and foresight of the Institute’s founder, the late Sir Paul Callaghan, who 20 years ago when he set up the Institute, saw the critical state of the planet and knew the vital role a materials science Institute would play in mitigating this coming crisis.

I thank the Board for the amazing support you have given me and the Institute. To the Deputy Directors and to the Directors in particular – it’s been fabulous working with you. I also acknowledge the management team who make everything happen. A huge thank you to you all.

This is my last report as Chair of the MacDiarmid Institute Board – I hand over to the very capable Hēmi Rolleston who has been part of the MacDiarmid Institute Board for several years now and brings a wealth of knowledge of, and connections within, both the science system and Te Ao Māori, as well as extensive experience in the commercial world of innovation.

I invite you to read these stories of continued science excellence, key collaborations with our Māori partners, commercialisation of materials research through startups and with industry, the drive to improve public understanding of technology for sustainability, and the creation of a high-earning NZ-trained science workforce. 

Paul Atkins
Board Chair


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