Chair's Report - Annual Report 2019

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Chair's Report - Annual Report 2019

17 April, 2020

The theme for the Institute’s symposium this year – ‘Haumi ē, hui ē, tāiki ē!’ – sums up what the MacDiarmid Institute is all about.

The expression is used to signal that a group of people is united and ready to progress the purpose of them coming together.

It takes time to develop genuinely effective and meaningful collaboration between multiple institutions, to grow the trust and openness that enables high achievement. The MacDiarmid Institute has done this in spades, and it is this unity of purpose that has enabled the Institute to achieve consistently outstanding outcomes, impact and influence over many years.

Much of the past year has been focussed on the CoRE rebid process. It has been an opportunity to reflect on our history and achievements, and consider how we apply those to the challenges of the future. The excellent science, integration of mātauranga Māori, community engagement, leadership in equity and the developing of great talent for the future, along with the success in commercialisation and industry engagement, means the Institute has all the elements important to this future.

The three themes put forward in our rebid – low energy technologies, zero carbon, and zero waste – will ensure we are making a critical contribution to a sustainable future.

My sincere thanks go to everyone in the MacDiarmid Institute for the collaborative effort that has resulted in such significant and sustained achievements. My particular thanks go to the Co-Directors and Deputy Directors for their leadership and example.

Paul Atkins