14 April, 2024
We formally joined the New Zealand Cleantech Mission to contribute to a more cohesive approach to supporting emerging cleantech companies locally. With many of our MacDiarmid Institute affiliated start-up companies aiming to address cleantech opportunities in global markets, it's important they are able to scale rapidly. The collaborative efforts across the network can support this. The Cleantech Mission links companies, support agencies across government and research and the opportunities for investment, support and commercial partnerships, both locally and internationally.
Cleantech Trek visiting Mint Innovation pilot plant and R&D site
Building on the work of the Cleantech Mission partners we've been able to host two further Cleantech Trek tours of research, start-up and industrial facilities in Wellington and Auckland. These Treks bring together commercial and technology leaders, researchers and the support agencies that work together to accelerate our local cleantech start-ups. The Treks included visits to start-up companies Liquium, Advemto, Bspkl, Hot Lime Labs, TasmanIon, Mint Innovation, Aquafortus, Avertana, Neocrete, NZSteel (Glenbrook site) and Outset Ventures.
Techweek: Leveraging NZ Deep Tech to Build a Sustainable Future