Kōrero partnership with NZEI - Annual Report 2019

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Kōrero partnership with NZEI - Annual Report 2019

25 May, 2020

Ministry of Education research shows that 60% of teachers do not feel they have the necessary skills to teach science to Year 4 students and our Kōrero programme helps alleviate this anxiety. In partnership with the New Zealand Education Institute (NZEI), we again held Kōrero sessions around the country teaching nanoscience to early childhood and primary teachers.

Principal Investigator, Professor Eric Le Ru (Victoria University of Wellington), ran two 2-hour sessions in Wellington for 45 primary, intermediate and ECE school teachers.

Associate Investigator, Dr Anna Garden (University of Otago), ran a session in Dunedin for 15 teachers. Principal Investigator, Professor Paul Kruger (University of Canterbury), ran a session in Christchurch for 18 primary, intermediate and ECE school teachers.

Principal Investigator, Associate Professor Duncan McGillivray (University of Auckland), ran two sessions in Auckland for 20 teachers.