MI Investigators successful in MBIE Endeavour Round 2016 & Smart Ideas

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MI Investigators successful in MBIE Endeavour Round 2016 & Smart Ideas

18 October, 2016

MI Investigators successful in MBIE Endeavour Round 2016 & Smart Ideas

12 of our Investigators were successful in MBIE 2016 Endeavour Round.

MacDiarmid Investigators are involved in both ‘Smart Ideas’ and ‘Research Programmes’. 

Three MacDiarmid Investigators (Maan Alkaisi, Vladimir Golovko, Thomas Nann) and one alumnus (Aaron Marshall) will help to match supply and demand in the renewable energy industry. The team has been successful in winning a “Smart Ideas” grant in the recent Endeavour Round.

The researchers will harvest sunlight and use it directly to charge a redox flow battery – a low-cost, large-scale system that is ideal for combining with other renewable energy vectors such as wind or solar and which has a range of industry applications.

Further funding involves:

Smart Ideas


MI Investigators

Ion sources and silicon-28 islands for quantum bits

Andreas Markwitz & team

Aptamers for customisable analytical devices: application to methamphetamine detection

Justin Hodgkiss, Eric LeRu & team

A Neuromorphic Computer Chip: computational hardware that works like the brain

Simon Brown & team

Development of a solar redox flow battery for direct solar energy capture and storage

Maan Alkaisi, Vladimir Golovko, Thomas Nann, Aaron Marshall (former AI)

“Silverbone” – Otago’s nano-silver technology plus NZ-manufactured bonegraft produces unique antibacterial biomaterial

Carla Meledandri & team

Elastomeric, conductive and functionalised electrospun nanofibres for high-performance anti-fouling microfiltration membranes

Jadranka Travas-Sejdic & team

Fundamental redesign of percutaneous drains for effective drainage and reduced infection

Michelle Dickinson & team

Research Programmes


MI investigators

Enhanced Geothermal Energy Recovery Through Nanotechnology: An innovative enduring solution to the worldwide silica deposition problem

Jim Johnston & team

Capturing the true value of NZ meat: Objective measurement of meat quality in beef, lamb and venison

Keith Gordon & team