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Showing 37-48 of 155 items

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Sci Fi/Sci Fact - Brothers Grimm: Rumplestiltskin


Sci Fi/Sci Fact - Brothers Grimm: Rumplestiltskin

Professor Duncan McGillivray tries to work out how Rumpelstiltskin made straw into gold.

April 11, 2022

Biolin Scientific episode 25 with Dr Jenny Malmström


Biolin Scientific episode 25 with Dr Jenny Malmström

Principal Investigator Associate Professor Jenny Malmström talks to Biolin Scientific about technologies and methods used in a Biointerfaces lab.

April 5, 2022

Sci Fi/Sci Fact - Dune: Stillsuit


Sci Fi/Sci Fact - Dune: Stillsuit

Principal Investigator, Associate Professor Geoff Willmott on the stillsuits from Dune; the water-saving suit.

April 4, 2022

Sci Fi/Sci Fact - Lord of The Rings: Mithril


Sci Fi/Sci Fact - Lord of The Rings: Mithril

Dr Chris Bumby regales Bryan with scientific tales of Mithril from Lord of the Rings.

April 1, 2022

Sci Fi/Sci Fact - Star Wars: Mandalorian Iron


Sci Fi/Sci Fact - Star Wars: Mandalorian Iron

Massey University's Associate Professor Catherine Whitby talk about Mandalorian Iron from Star Wars.

March 19, 2022

Sci Fi/Sci Fact - Star Wars: Lightsabers


Sci Fi/Sci Fact - Star Wars: Lightsabers

Professor Justin Hodgkiss talks about the scientific feasibility of Star Wars' lightsabers.

March 14, 2022

Sci Fi/Sci Fact - Futurama: Jumbonium


Sci Fi/Sci Fact - Futurama: Jumbonium

Dr Nate Davis, explains Jumbonium as: a tennis-ball-sized atom with the electrons orbiting.

March 9, 2022

Sci Fi/Sci Fact - Marvel: Ironman's Suit


Sci Fi/Sci Fact - Marvel: Ironman's Suit

Dr Catherine Whitby, said self-repairing materials like the Ironman Suit are kind of the "holy grail" for scientists.

January 7, 2022

Sci Fi/Sci Fact - Santa: How does he do it?


Sci Fi/Sci Fact - Santa: How does he do it?

Associate Professor JJ Eldridge at the University of Auckland gives her take on the science behind Santa.

December 24, 2021

Sci Fi/Sci Fact - Back to the Future: Time travel & Hovercars


Sci Fi/Sci Fact - Back to the Future: Time travel & Hovercars

Research Fellow, Dr Rodrigo Martinez Gazoni,fact checks the science behind Back to the Future.

December 20, 2021

Sci Fi/Sci Fact - Xmen: Wolverine's Adamantium Claws


Sci Fi/Sci Fact - Xmen: Wolverine's Adamantium Claws

Principal Investigator Dr Chris Bumby, is a Principal Scientist at the Robinson Institute, he gives us his scientific take on…

December 10, 2021

Sci Fi/Sci Fact - Star Trek: Dilithium Crystals


Sci Fi/Sci Fact - Star Trek: Dilithium Crystals

Dr Krista Steenbergen, Associate Investigator and lecturer at Victoria University of Wellington gives her scientific take on Dilithium Crystals from Star Trek…

December 10, 2021

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