
News & events


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Showing 37-48 of 89 items

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Phosphorus: From stars to land and sea


Phosphorus: From stars to land and sea

MIT Professor Kit Cummins discusses the origin story of phosphorus from the stars to land and sea.

June 21, 2019

Materials science in environmental remediation of Papatuanuku


Materials science in environmental remediation of Papatuanuku

MATERIALise 2018 - Dr Pauline Harris discusses how the intersection of mātauranga Māori and materials science could inform environmental remediation.

June 21, 2019

Human capital in the age of consequence


Human capital in the age of consequence

Tech entrepreneur, coach and investor Daniel Batten discusses the importance of investing in human capital.

June 19, 2019

What is materials science


What is materials science

MacDiarmid Institute investigators discuss how materials science and nanotechnology can solve the big problems of our time.

May 8, 2019

Interface Industry Challenge


Interface Industry Challenge

MacDiarmid Institute investigators discuss how commercialisation of scientific breakthroughs can help New Zealand’s industry and knowledge economy.

May 8, 2019

Science is Everywhere - Michelle Dickinson


Science is Everywhere - Michelle Dickinson

Friend of the MacDiarmid Institute, Professor Michelle Dickinson speaks about how science can be found anywhere and by anyone.

February 20, 2019

Lasers, Milk and Sperm - Cather Simpson


Lasers, Milk and Sperm - Cather Simpson

Professor, Associate Investigator, and Director of the Photon Factory, Cather Simpson talks about her work in photonics.

February 20, 2019

Transitioning to a Solar-Based Society for All - Dan Nocera


Transitioning to a Solar-Based Society for All - Dan Nocera

Professor Dan Nocera, Professor of Energy at Harvard University, speaks about using the sun to power the entire planet.

February 20, 2019

MacDiarmid Institute


MacDiarmid Institute

We are unified for a common goal: to make, understand, and use new materials to improve people's lives.

February 20, 2019

MacDiarmid Institute NanoCamp 2019


MacDiarmid Institute NanoCamp 2019

A group of NZ's brightest high school science pupils were given an introduction to nanoscience and advanced materials during NanoCamp.

January 29, 2019

MacDiarmid Alumni Videos


MacDiarmid Alumni Videos

Ten MacDiarmid Institute alumni talk about their work in nanotechnology and materials science, showing their persistence, dedication, and curiosity.

November 15, 2018

Dr Matthew Cowan: the importance of failure in success


Dr Matthew Cowan: the importance of failure in success

MacDiarmid Institute alumnus Dr Matthew Cowan discusses his research and the importance of failure in success.

November 4, 2018

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