Associate Investigators

Our people

Dr William Holmes-Hewett

Dr William Holmes-Hewett

Associate Investigator

Towards Low Energy Tech - Hardware for Future Computing

Robinson Research Institute
Victoria University of Wellington
Gracefield Research Centre
69 Gracefield Road
Lower Hutt 5010
New Zealand


William Holmes-Hewett received his PhD in physics from Victoria University of Wellington in 2020 on the electronic structure of rare earth nitrides. He continued this work as a postdoctoral fellow from 2020-2023. He is now a Scientist at Wellington’s Robinson Research Institute where he is pursuing the integration of the same rare-earth nitride materials in cryogenic and superconducting memory technologies.

Research interests

Will’s research is focused on the electronic and magnetic properties of rare earth nitrides and their application in cryogenic electronics and memory devices. He has a background in both experimental and computation physics. He is experienced in thin film growth using ultra-high vacuum deposition systems, and the characterisation of the electronic, magnetic and optical properties of thin film. He also investigates the electronic properties of condensed matter systems via density functional theory based calculations, with a particular interest in 4f electron systems. His recent work spans fundamental and applied materials science, with interests in strong correlations and unconventional superconductivity on the fundamental side and the formation and study of magnetic micro-structures and superconducting electronics on the applied side.

Our children need a green world, and that requires new technologies. We will deliver the advanced materials and low-energy electronics needed to make that happen.

Dr William Holmes-Hewett