Emeritus Investigator
School of Chemical & Physical Sciences
Victoria University of Wellington
PO Box 600
Wellington 6140
Professor Grant Williams is an Adjunct Professor at Victoria University of Wellingon. He is currently involved in a number of research programmes that include the study of new materials for magnetic sensors, optical materials and methods for radiation detection and imaging, bulk acoustic wave filters, water purification using natural photonic crystals, high temperature superconductors, inductive power transfer for electrical vehicles, and topological insulators.
Grant is co-author on 275 publications and his research interests span fundamental physics to applied research for New Zealand companies. He was awarded the New Zealand Association of Scientists Research Medal in 1997 and the Royal Society of New Zealand Hector Medal in 2010. In 2014 Grant became a member of the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to science.
Our national and international collaborations make things a lot easier.
Professor Grant Williams
Annual Report
May 9, 2022
Funding successes for our investigators and their research programmes during 2021. This funding enables our researchers and collaborators to continue their breakthrough research in advanced materials and nanotechnology.
Annual Report
March 30, 2021
It’s arguably the ‘holy grail’ of solid-state physics - superconductors that operate at or near room temperature.
Read more about The Warm Up: Probing the Fundamentals of Room Temperature Superconductivity
Annual Report
March 24, 2021
Funding successes for our investigators and their research programmes during 2020. This funding enables our researchers and collaborators to continue their breakthrough research in advanced materials and nanotechnology.
Annual Report
May 26, 2020
Funding successes for our investigators and their research programmes during 2019. This funding enables our researchers and collaborators to continue their breakthrough research in advanced materials and nanotechnology.
News Article
November 5, 2019
MacDiarmid Institute-led advanced materials and nanotechnology research received $4.1 million funding through the 2019 Marsden Fund.
Read more about MacDiarmid Institute-led research recieves $4.1 million funding
Annual Report
April 8, 2019
Funding successes for our investigators and their research programmes during 2018. This funding enables our researchers and collaborators to continue their breakthrough research in advanced materials and nanotechnology.
News Article
September 14, 2018
The MacDiarmid Institute is pleased to share the following successes from MacDiarmid researchers in this year’s MBIE Endeavour fund round.
Read more about MacDiarmid researchers successful in latest MBIE round