Funding successes for our investigators and their research programmes during 2022. This funding enables our researchers and collaborators to continue their breakthrough research in advanced materials and nanotechnology.
Modified: 15 Aug 2023, 12:56 pm
Created: 19 Apr 2023, 6:34 pm
The 2021 Regional Lecture Series was able to go ahead in-person this year, with the theme of Science for a Sustainable Future.
Modified: 21 Dec 2022, 1:34 pm
Created: 27 May 2022, 2:27 pm
We continue our long-time sponsorship of the House of Science. This time we have sponsored the House of Science Horowhenua Branch.
Modified: 21 Dec 2022, 1:30 pm
Created: 27 May 2022, 1:53 pm
Dr Jenny Malmström, Assoc Prof Mark Waterland and Dr Kim McKelvey talk about the new research programmes, our Institute, and what the start of the new contract means for us.
Modified: 4 Nov 2021, 2:47 pm
Created: 4 Nov 2021, 2:28 pm
Scientists may have found a way to smell Covid-19 in addition to current tests, and a cough or sneeze.
Modified: 21 Oct 2021, 11:07 am
Created: 27 Sept 2021, 12:00 pm
Study led by University of Canterbury researchers has shown a breath test may be able to detect Covid-19.
Modified: 28 Apr 2021, 11:38 am
Created: 26 Feb 2021, 1:22 pm
Funding successes for our investigators and their research programmes during 2019. This funding enables our researchers and collaborators to continue their breakthrough research in advanced materials and nanotechnology.
Modified: 27 May 2020, 10:21 pm
Created: 26 May 2020, 6:06 pm
Professor Mark Waterland has been on the academic staff in the Institute of Fundamental Science at Massey University since 2003.
Modified: 17 Mar 2022, 3:33 pm
Created: 14 Feb 2019, 2:38 pm
The age of fossil fuels is coming to an end and global warming from their burning is undeniable - but when will tomorrow begin? Will there be a long transition period, with a mish-mash of renewables while we learn to harness the sun’s energy efficiently, as plants have been doing for 3.5 billion years? Is there even enough sunlight striking the Earth to supply the increasing energy demands of 6-9 billion humans?
Modified: 16 Jun 2019, 1:07 pm
Created: 10 Jul 2015, 12:00 am
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